The Oahu Odyssey: How Mayor Blangiardi Sailed to Victory in the Honolulu Mayoral Race

In the end, Blangiardi’s substantial campaign funds and lack of serious opposition likely contributed to his reelection. Despite not being seen as exceptional, voters felt he was doing enough. This suggests that a combination of adequate performance and a lack of compelling alternatives were key factors in his victory.

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(20)24 at the local level

Politics Hawaii with Stan Fichtman now takes a look at the various mayoral and county council races across the state, to see who has pulled papers (or filed) for various offices.

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Hawai‘i leaders move on, generationally

With the 2022 election, the generational ratio of leaders in Hawai‘i changed, dropping the sole millennial and putting the majority of power in the hands of the X-Generation. 

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The politician and the Skyline buzzsaw

Skyline cost a lot, and the people who “drove the train” if you will – the leaders of Honolulu and even the state – paid pretty high prices for Skyline.

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Time to work for a living

[R]emember those phone calls that you got to reject the pay raise before the hearing? Well, I am here to tell you that the volume, and “candor” of people calling – most of them your constituents – is about to get much higher.

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Modern, political communication

In the category of “turn down the political volume and maybe you’ll hear something interesting,” this blogger has found it thought-provoking to see how our current spate of leaders in Hawai‘i and Honolulu are revamping their public messaging. 

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A Political Hot Potato

After all, when the guy (Roy) you (Caldwell) appointed to be the second in command for the city is arrested and indicted for a host of charges by the FBI and the Federal Prosecutor, the size of such a development puts shade on all kinds of people, with those getting more the closer you get to the principals.

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She is right

Although there are a lot of people who have a lot to say about Councilwoman Tupola’s decision not to be vaccinated, she puts that to the side and discusses, instead, the core issue of our government’s actions. The fact remains, regardless of whether you are vaccinated or not, the proclamations are still imposed by a small group of people, with very little input by the public, of which they then don’t have a choice of whether to follow it or not. 

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Hard getting a seat now

Thanks to the vaccine, which we were told going back to the beginning of the COVID saga was the only real solution to solving the crisis, this relaxation can come with confidence. And it’s this confidence that our state government needs to start expressing should it want to play the role of supporter of society, rather than the oppressor.

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