As Election Day approaches, a new mindset emerges across the country—one of readiness overreaction. From Coos Bay to Washington D.C., voters are shifting their focus from fear of the unknown to strategic preparation for the future. Whichever candidate wins, this blogger saw Americans embracing resilience, getting ready to adapt and thrive in the next chapter of our nation’s story.
As with many in Hawai‘i over the past month, the 13th convening of the Festival of Pacific Arts & Culture,…
When someone asks in Hawaiian Pidgin, “Can, no can?” the answer is a resounding “Can!” as long as the item remains a top priority for the Green and future administration
The “formal end”, therefore would be May 11, 2023, and if one day a politician wants to make a new holiday for Americans to celebrate, that would probably be the date it’s pegged to. This is the date that all other rules were removed, and formally reverted to “full normal”.
As a follower of long-term diplomatic history, it should be noted that the promotion of what McMasters says goes further than what Hawley said, for continued engagement with China.
So isn’t it fair to ask, now, for the full story on why these candidates do what they did in their professional careers? And not leave the voter wondering why there is this weird plot hole when running for such a high-level seat in the State of Hawaii?
As you can read below, allowed to be posted by permission of Mark, he has chosen another path of life than that of elected office. He heard a calling and now is working to make that calling into a reality.
Eliminating historical context and thinking this is the first time ever anything has happened is both intellectually bankrupt and dangerous.
Before jumping into the new zeitgeist on the current situation in Hong Kong, it may be beneficial to add into a perception of the place that no one is talking about, currently.
As the implementation of the stay-at-home orders for Hawaii took effect, it is hoped that the spread of the COVID-19…