The empty ballot’s voice

It is the time when the ballots are being sent out to registered voters. Some acquaintances of this blogger have already received their respective ballots, and the distribution will continue throughout the weekend. By this time next week, all eligible voters will have received a ballot to indicate their preferred candidates for the upcoming general election in November. Hawaii is a mail-in ballot state for both the primary and general ...

We like the tax break, but…

This blogger would first like to shout out to Civil Beat for distributing questions to the candidates and publishing them promptly. Furthermore, this blogger also wants to recognize that the questions being posed are relevant to what is happening currently, which leads to this piece – an observation of answers to one question. A call by some in Hawaii to cut income taxes got heard. Income taxes for residents in ...

Vision Realized: FestPAC Makes Hawai’i a Pacific Crossroads, Fulfilling John Burns’ Vision

As with many in Hawai‘i over the past month, the 13th convening of the Festival of Pacific Arts & Culture, in Hawai‘i for the first time, brought a great deal of excitement to Honolulu in and above the normal rigamarole of everyday life after graduation season. From the news reports, the Festival turned out to be very popular, with many more in attendance than first imagined. Estimates right now say ...

Hawai‘i’s Scrutiny: Fair or Fickle?

When it comes to how leaders in Hawai‘i are treated, the first rule that one should know is that no two leaders of anything in Hawai‘i are treated the same, no matter what their position. This blogger came up with this conclusion after witnessing the treatment of three leaders of Hawai‘i over the past couple of years. In two of them, the observations are much more recent – the last ...

Chirping Off: this blog’s farewell to [X]

On Thursday evening, May 23, 2024, the Politics Hawaii with Stan Fichtman blog formally discontinued any further use of “X” (formerly known as Twitter). As a reader of this blog, and perhaps someone who interacted with it only through X, you are owed a reason why.  Furthermore, what is the plan for this blog going forward when it comes to social media, find out here too! The reasons for this blog, and its writer, ...