Vision Realized: FestPAC Makes Hawai’i a Pacific Crossroads, Fulfilling John Burns’ Vision

As with many in Hawai‘i over the past month, the 13th convening of the Festival of Pacific Arts & Culture,…

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It might be called Hawaiian, but it isn’t Hawaii-owned

t’s fascinating to learn about the airline’s transition from being a Kamaaina (locally) owned company to being owned by many, but not by anyone in Hawaii. This history hasn’t been shared in the news of the buyout.

Here is the cliff notes version.

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How times have changed

Indeed, if you go back in the history of Hawai‘i aviation and the issues of ownership and who operated, the mere fact that an airline that was not “Hawai‘i based” came in to buy a “Hawai‘i based airline” that didn’t elicit an immediate hearing in the State Capitol on the merits of it told me that, indeed, the relationship between the people of Hawai‘i, its government officials, and its aviation options, has very much changed.

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The price list

As a humble blogger, I find it challenging to fully comprehend the narrative and impact list of events such as the Lahaina fires. Nevertheless, when such a calamity occurs, the destruction and damage caused to a vast area are significant. It affects everything from structures to public infrastructure. Each item has a material name, and most of them come with a particular cost.

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One scrimmage, 2 rounds

Hawaii’s new governor has no problem calling out what he feels is bad behavior, naming names on who has behaved badly and using the mechanisms of both the press and the system to extract action. On the Senate side, it should be clear by now that whatever rulebook was used to “hide the dirty laundry” aint going to work too well with this administration.

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A Celebration of Hawaii Casual Cuisine – L & L at 70

In thinking about my tenure with the company and what the legacy Hawaii brand known as L & L has been able to do for Hawaii cuisine – making a way for “Hawaii Fast Casual Cuisine” to become a thing, it behooves me to pay homage to the linage of how it got to where it is now – one that has changed and grown over time and evolved to how it is presented by L & L today. 

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