Marian, Jim, and the boats

WHEN I RECEIVED THE NEWS THAT Marian had passed away in February 2023, I needed a few moments to process it. It felt like the world had opened and taken away someone good, leaving a little hole in my heart. Her passing symbolized a loss that I felt, and still feel months later, even with time.

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Fundraiser season is upon us

Along with the preparations for Thanksgiving dinner, the decorating of one’s house for the holiday season, and being sure that vacation time is put in for people, your elected government officials are also prepping for another type of season.

That is the start of the “fundraising season” for candidates up for election in the 2024 polls.

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The Lone Ranger

At a time when bigger names in the conservative movement were also running for office – more specifically Orson Swindle who was running for Congress – Sam didn’t feel so out of place, and in fact, almost felt that a Caucasian running for the Legislature in Hawai‘i Kai was not much out of the ordinary.

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Who wants to win – Republican edition

So each is spending on the things they need to to look alive and serious about this campaign. And looking alive and serious, as a Republican running for anything, already helps re-write one of the many detrimental perceptions that Republicans have, in Hawaii, in running for any office.

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