Hawai‘i leaders move on, generationally

With the 2022 election, the generational ratio of leaders in Hawai‘i changed, dropping the sole millennial and putting the majority of power in the hands of the X-Generation. 

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Strength in numbers

That player turned out to be members and “friends of” committees of several Hawaii state legislators currently in office. Their ability to “hui up” (come together in Hawaiian pidgin) and provide a healthy number of financial resources to Sylvia Luke raised the eyebrow of at least this humble blogger.

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Hole in the plot

So isn’t it fair to ask, now, for the full story on why these candidates do what they did in their professional careers? And not leave the voter wondering why there is this weird plot hole when running for such a high-level seat in the State of Hawaii?

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Picking apart the $50 fee

[I]ts clear to this humble blogger that, while Green has tried to win voters with an idea that sounds good to those who care, the woeful lack of understanding of the laws that regulate this, and even knowing what Hawaii is, could be notes of concern as voters check their boxes on their ballots.

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Who wants to win – Republican edition

So each is spending on the things they need to to look alive and serious about this campaign. And looking alive and serious, as a Republican running for anything, already helps re-write one of the many detrimental perceptions that Republicans have, in Hawaii, in running for any office.

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