Listening to wisdom vs. how you act on it

As a follower of long-term diplomatic history, it should be noted that the promotion of what McMasters says goes further than what Hawley said, for continued engagement with China. 

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A bad idea 

Regardless, to this blogger, whether you like how something’s portrayed in the media does not give any elected official or bureaucrat the to extend the authority. It’s a violation to limit the voices of those in independent media. Furthermore, it’s bad for Florida to allow a bill like this to see the light of day, and it would be equally as bad for any legislator in Hawaii to think they could introduce something similar.

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Modern, political communication

In the category of “turn down the political volume and maybe you’ll hear something interesting,” this blogger has found it thought-provoking to see how our current spate of leaders in Hawai‘i and Honolulu are revamping their public messaging. 

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One scrimmage, 2 rounds

Hawaii’s new governor has no problem calling out what he feels is bad behavior, naming names on who has behaved badly and using the mechanisms of both the press and the system to extract action. On the Senate side, it should be clear by now that whatever rulebook was used to “hide the dirty laundry” aint going to work too well with this administration.

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A Celebration of Hawaii Casual Cuisine – L & L at 70

In thinking about my tenure with the company and what the legacy Hawaii brand known as L & L has been able to do for Hawaii cuisine – making a way for “Hawaii Fast Casual Cuisine” to become a thing, it behooves me to pay homage to the linage of how it got to where it is now – one that has changed and grown over time and evolved to how it is presented by L & L today. 

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