Hawaii’s low unemployment rate becomes a double-edged sword under the current funding formula. While it boasts low jobless numbers, this very metric cuts the state short on crucial training funds. The current system prioritizes quantity over quality, leaving residents stuck in low-wage jobs with limited upward mobility.
[I]fpeople are going to blame “someone” for this, it should be the politicians who took in information and direction from subject matter experts like Anthony Fauci and other scientists and added critical thinking of how to either work that suggestion on society or not.
With that, the question is whether the offensive will work, and whether will it be long enough to change residents’ minds about the ability of the US military to be “good neighbors”. To this blogger, time will tell with initial actions “sounding promising”.
The eight Republican caucus members who voted to vacate the chair should carefully consider their next moves. They should prioritize restoring confidence in our government, as opposed to causing further fractures that could lead to full-blown schisms and break down the legislative branch of our federal government.
With the 2022 election, the generational ratio of leaders in Hawai‘i changed, dropping the sole millennial and putting the majority of power in the hands of the X-Generation.
However, take away the age number and place each into their generational category, and you will find something very interesting going on, with the result being whether this country will continue to be run by a member of the Silent Generation or return to a pattern of being run by Baby Boomers for probably one last time.
The “formal end”, therefore would be May 11, 2023, and if one day a politician wants to make a new holiday for Americans to celebrate, that would probably be the date it’s pegged to. This is the date that all other rules were removed, and formally reverted to “full normal”.
Truly, the end of the emergency came as quietly as a mouse, a thief in the night if you are biblically inclined to equate it, silent and silence as the title of this piece is.
As a follower of long-term diplomatic history, it should be noted that the promotion of what McMasters says goes further than what Hawley said, for continued engagement with China.
Regardless, to this blogger, whether you like how something’s portrayed in the media does not give any elected official or bureaucrat the to extend the authority. It’s a violation to limit the voices of those in independent media. Furthermore, it’s bad for Florida to allow a bill like this to see the light of day, and it would be equally as bad for any legislator in Hawaii to think they could introduce something similar.