Hawai‘i leaders move on, generationally

With the 2022 election, the generational ratio of leaders in Hawai‘i changed, dropping the sole millennial and putting the majority of power in the hands of the X-Generation. 

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Political Generational Shifts

However, take away the age number and place each into their generational category, and you will find something very interesting going on, with the result being whether this country will continue to be run by a member of the Silent Generation or return to a pattern of being run by Baby Boomers for probably one last time.

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The politician and the Skyline buzzsaw

Skyline cost a lot, and the people who “drove the train” if you will – the leaders of Honolulu and even the state – paid pretty high prices for Skyline.

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Time to work for a living

[R]emember those phone calls that you got to reject the pay raise before the hearing? Well, I am here to tell you that the volume, and “candor” of people calling – most of them your constituents – is about to get much higher.

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The Lone Ranger

At a time when bigger names in the conservative movement were also running for office – more specifically Orson Swindle who was running for Congress – Sam didn’t feel so out of place, and in fact, almost felt that a Caucasian running for the Legislature in Hawai‘i Kai was not much out of the ordinary.

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In principle, and then formally

The “formal end”, therefore would be May 11, 2023, and if one day a politician wants to make a new holiday for Americans to celebrate, that would probably be the date it’s pegged to. This is the date that all other rules were removed, and formally reverted to “full normal”. 

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Why Rep. Pierick tested the D-line

Regardless of whether either of these theories or another one that may come up is the reason why Rep. Pierick decided to promote this message on the LGBTQIA+ pride flag, the resulting blowback has shown that Hawaii is not allergic to clapping back on potential culture war battlelines and being sure to squelch the issue before it becomes a real issue of debate in Hawaii.

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